Latest Past Events

Lincoln City Libraries: Family Storytime

Bennet Martin Library 136 South 14th Street, Lincoln

Lincoln City Libraries are a welcoming place for ALL! Join us for a library story time that celebrates Welcoming Week, featuring welcoming and culturally diverse stories. This is a Family Storytime inviting the entire family to participate. Designed for children birth to age five. Lincoln City Libraries story times are designed to promote early literacy....

Lincoln Public Schools: Welcome Center Open House

Lincoln Public Schools: Welcome Center 936 North 70th St, Lincoln

As part of Lincoln’s Welcoming Week activities, LPS would like to invite the community to an open house at the Welcome Center for English Learners on Friday, Sept, 13, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., at 936 N. 70th Street (the north side of the Meadowlane Shopping Center). Please join us for some international treats and...

Welcoming Week Open House

Lincoln Literacy 1023 Lincoln Mall, Ste. 104, Lincoln

Lincoln Literacy is hosting a Welcoming Week Open House. All Lincoln Literacy students, tutors, and community members are invited to attend the event on Friday, September 13, from 4:30 – 6:30 PM, at 1023 Lincoln Mall. Join us and enjoy: Parking can be accessed through the alley at the back of the building. Event type:...