Calling for Immigrant and Refugee Stories
Are you a New American in Lincoln interested in telling your story? The Cultural Centers of Lincoln, the Lincoln/Lancaster County Welcoming & Belonging Strategic Plan, and the University of Nebraska Press invite immigrant and refugee community members to submit personal essays for a literary anthology publication about their immigration and resettlement experiences to Lincoln, Nebraska.
Community members may submit personal essays about any aspect of their immigration and resettlement experiences to Lincoln. Middle school and high school students, young adults, adults, and senior citizens are encouraged to submit their personal essays. Essays can be written in the author’s preferred language, English is not required.
Selected essays will be published in a book titled New Nebraskans: Tales of Migration, Hope, Grief, Exile, and Home.
Need help getting started? Check out an upcoming workshop at the Asian Community & Cultural Center (144 N 44th St. Suite A) from 1pm – 2:30pm on March 1, April 5, May 3, June 7
Each essayist in the publication will receive 10 free copies of the book and a lifetime discount of 40% off on all books published by the University of Nebraska Press!
Send story submissions to
Attn: Lisa Guill
Asian Community & Cultural Center
144 N 44th St Suite A
Lincoln, NE 68503
Deadline for submissions is November 1, 2025
Suggested length of essay:
Youth Experiences: 3-7 pages double-spaced (1000-3000 words)
Young Adult, Adult, and Senior Experiences: 7-15 pages double-spaced (1500‑6000 words)